• International Women's Day is a key calendar date every year which celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. Today, we sat down with Triona, daughter of the Mulhern family, to ask her a few important questions surrounding this year's theme which is Break The Bias. We are encouraged to celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.
  • What does IWD mean to you and the team at Triona?
  • International Women's Day is one of our favourite days here at Triona as it is so lovely to know that all over the world, women are being celebrated. Every single female is unique in their own way but it's important that in today's day and age, we also see other as equal and celebrate each other's wins.
  • Break The Bias is the theme for this year's IWD - why do you think diversity within the workplace is important?
  • Here at Triona, we value each and every individual, their opinions, personalities and backgrounds as the Triona brand would not exist without our staff. I read a few great articles on this year's theme for International Women's Day and think it is very fitting for the world we currently live in. It is so important to celebrate a world where difference is valued and I guess in an ideal world, we would have gender equality, reduced stereotyping, discrimination and more inclusivity. This is something we embody and believe in greatly within the workplace as great things can be achieved when everyone feels part of an inclusive team.
    Tell us about some of the roles women have within Triona

    We have women carrying out a diverse range of roles and everyone in our team plays an integral part. We are all working towards the same end goal which is very important as it means we are on the same page and communication is key across all areas. There’s our shop floor staff, marketing team, weavers, designers, shipping team … the list could go on. During our busy periods, multi-tasking within your role is definitely key and we are very lucky that all of our team will assist each other where necessary.

    What’s the most important piece of advice you have been given as a woman?

    It might sound very cliche but … be honest, be yourself and don’t be afraid to use your voice. I think it comes with age where you become more comfortable with doing this and as a mother myself, I always encourage my girls to embrace other people’s personalities as it would be a very boring world if we were all the same. When I was younger, I definitely worried about pleasing others before myself but you cannot pour from an empty cup so it’s important to look after yourself. The reality of it is, you will never please absolutely everyone so be confident in your opinion and that confidence will then flow into other areas of your life.

  • Is there any female who inspires you?
  • I can’t say there is one person in particular as different people inspire me in different ways. For example, your mother is the primary female figure in your life from a young age and as a mother of two daughters, I have to remember that I am now a role model for them.  I think you can take pieces of advice from all generations of women in life - your mother, grandmother, mother in law, sister etc. Every woman is individual in their own way and you can look to them as inspiration for the things they have achieved. When women support each other, incredible things can happen!

    Finally, what is your favorite piece you own from Triona?

    Oh it would definitely have to be my Cara blazer and I have loved it ever since they were first launched.



    It’s just one of those staple pieces that is perfect for every occasion.



    Whether you are a busy mum, meeting friends for lunch or want to opt for a smart / casual look, the Cara blazer is your go to.



    We currently have a few beautiful variations which you can see HERE and I assure you it’s a purchase you won’t regret!


    We hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and please feel free to reach out with any suggestions on topics you would like to see covered over the coming months. Wishing you all a very happy International Women's Day and remember there is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.

    March 08, 2022 — Customer Service